solutions for your business

Letter B builds, integrates, and updates the software that helps you run your business. Innovative information technologies can be tailored to your unique needs. Custom software development is the answer you have been searching for.

Businesses buy mass-market software all the time and they are always looking for the same things. Simplicity, efficiency, and reliability. But what they usually get is something built to fit everyone. In other words, generic software that will take countless hours (often unbudgeted) to convert into a solution that is mildly effective at best. Our custom software solutions and integration services will provide you with real efficiency gains you can measure. We take the time to listen and understand your unique business needs and that’s what makes the difference.

custom software development


Custom Software Development

Legacy Application Modernization

Database Management & Migration

Mobile App & Web Development

Design & Marketing

Next Generation Technologies

We have experience with

your industry

Manufacturing & Retail

Automate your production tasks and provide better quality assurance

Transportation & Logistics

Manage your shipments and keep track of your inventory

Education & Nonprofit Orgs

Keep track of your users and their important data

Finance & Banking

Format data and keep it secure

Data and your business

1 %

of business leaders believe Big Data will revolutionize business operations in the same way the Internet did (Forbes). How does data affect your industry?

0 MB

of data will be created every second, for every person on earth (EMC). How are you managing and storing your data?

1 %

of businesses need to manage unstructured data (Forbes). Find out what services Letter B can provide to help keep your data safe and organized.